
We specialise in stocking top quality Discus fish supplied by the top discus specialist in the UK. Keeping Discus Fish used to be difficult as little was known about them and the water requirements. But now it has become easier.

Such knowledge and the affordable availability of Reverse Osmosis units, test kits, Ph meters etc has made the hobby affordable and not much more difficult than keeping normal tropical fish. The discus fish is known ad the king of the aquarium. 

Providing the Discus fishkeeper gets his valued Discus from a specialist Discus Fish supplier few problems should be encountered. A few ailments should be watched for and these are described in my ailments and remedy section.

This has also contributed to the success on many Discus Fish keepers in the UK.

Any queston please Email me on: [email protected]

Telphone: 07531245811 and speak to Andy,